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I decided to tackle a number of serious topics in this week’s ’Tibbs In The Park’ offering. Some of you may believe that I only have comedy to fall back on! And that, indeed, it is an easy out for me.

So, I am happy to show the world what a versatile writer I truly am. This drama is about mistaken identity, hidden love and miscommunication. All of which themes, can make for tragic consequences when personally involved.

Yes, life does, sometimes, imitate art. And we find ourselves in situations not of our own making. Yet, getting caught up in the histrionics of others can result in a poignant portrayal of how to live a life of integrity and dignity. (And you all know how dignified I can be!)

So enjoy the show and shed a tear if you must . . .

The Evening Of The 13th or What I Won’t

Act I - Scene I

Lord Rocky is writing out invitations. Enter his new servant, Cesario.

Rocky: Cesario, lad . . . Deliver yon invite, for a
party on the 13th, to thee lovely Lady Olivia-

Cesario: Who be she?

Rocky: Why, O-C be the fairest of them all. How come ye
not know this?

Cesario: I be a survivor of yon shipwreck, my Lord. I have
only workéd for thee, this past fortnight. (Aside)
I be a maiden donning the garb of yon lad to hide
thy, exceeding, love for thy master.

Rocky: Oh . . . Ah . . . It’s true . . . Yet methinks I have
known thee forever. Thy youthful countenance tis of
much interest. (Aside) I find myself drawn to thee

Cesario: I shall deliver the message as thy master wishes.

Rocky gives the ‘boy’ the invitation and he exits.

Act I - Scene II

Olivia-Cleopatra is sitting in her house. Tibbs, her butler, enters.

Tibbs: My Lady, a messenger hath come from Lord Rocky. Are
ye at home to yon lad?

Olivia-Cleopatra: Doth it be thee new, cute squire?

Tibbs: Not so . . . Methinks thee lad be, a bit of, a

Olivia-Cleopatra: Send yon messenger in! And you, vassal,
skivvy, flunky . . . fetch me a new Under-

Tibbs exits seethingly. Enter Cesario.

Cesario: An invitation, my good Lady.

Olivia-Cleopatra: Thank ye, young, handsome scamp. Thy be
new to Lord Rocky’s household?

Cesario: Aye, my Lady. Lord Rocky took me in after I be
shipwrecked. My twin brofur drownéd in yon
misfortune. I owe my life to thee hunky, kind

Olivia-Cleopatra: Oh . . . Yon woeful child!

Olivia-Cleopatra hugs Cesario. He/She shoves her away.

Cesario: Madam!

Olivia-Cleopatra: I merely seek to comfort, lad.

Cesario: I need not, nor want, solace from anyone barring my
Lord Rocky.
Act II - Scene I

Olivia-Cleopatra writes a letter. Enter Tibbs.

Tibbs: My Lady, I have found a lad in need of employ. He
hath been rendered oblivious from a recent spate of
misadventure which hath precipitated him to be

Olivia-Clepoatra: By your leave, good Butler, help the
miserable enfant, if it be thy wish.

Tibbs: Thank thee.

Olivia-Cleopatra: A moment, Master Tibbs . . . I have yon
letter for thee . . . I shall attend thee
party of the 13th, given by Lord Rocky.

Olivia-Cleopatra exits. Tibbs picks up the letter and reads it.

Tibbs: What thee floof, be this?!! My Lady expresses her
love for me and requests that I attend the party
wearing yellow trews to show my love in return.
(Reads) We shall meet in thee garden to declare our
undying love. Holy Moly . . .

Act III - Scene I

The party on the 13th. Many cats are in attendance. Rocky mingles. He sees who he thinks is Cesario.

Rocky: Cesario, lad, prithee greet yon guests at the door.

Rocky moves off and continues to mingle.

Sanderson: I know not who be this Cesario? Yon noble Lord
requests I greet thy guests. I shall obey.

Exit Sanderson. Rocky moves around the party and sees Cesario again.

Rocky: Lad! Methought I importuned ye to greet thy guests?!

Savoy: Me, Lord?

Rocky: Aye . . . You . . . Get thee to thy door.

Savoy exits.

Act II - Scene II

Sanderson is in the great hall. Olivia-Cleopatra enters.

Olivia-Cleopatra: There you be.

Sanderson: My Lady . . . ?

Olivia-Cleopatra: I see by thy lack of yellow trews that
thou doth not return thy love. So be it.
I shall direct my warm feelings elsewhere.
(Aside) But I do love this lad.

Olivia-Cleopatra enters the party.

Sanderson: What be this world I hath gotten myself into?

Enter Tibbs.

Sanderson: Ah . . . Master Tibbs, Mayhap you can explain yon
Mistress to me?

Tibbs: Young Sanderson . . . Thy Lady Olivia-Cleopatra must
needs be distracted this night. She hath an
assignation with thee love of her life.

Tibbs takes off his coat. He is wearing yellow trousers.

Act II - Scene III

Tibbs enters the party. Rocky sees him and joins him.

Rocky: What be you doing here?!!

Tibbs: My Lady extended thy invitation to me.

Rocky: What be ye wearing?

Tibbs: Sir . . . Insult my codpiece . . . Insult me!
I challenge thee to a duel!

Act IV - Scene I

The cats gather in the garden waiting for the duel to begin. Tibbs and Rocky select swords.

Tibbs: Where be yon second?

Rocky: Here!

Enter Savoy.

Tibbs: That be my second!

Enter Sanderson. All are confused. Savoy and Sanderson rejoice and hug.

Savoy: This be my brofur whom I bethought drownéd.

Sanderson: And this be my sisfur!

Rocky: Cesario?! Yon sisfur?! What thee floof?!!

Savoy: It be true, my Lord. I donned thee guise of a
lad but I be an humble girl.

Rocky: Marry me?!

Olivia-Cleopatra: And you, yon Sanderson have the composure
of yon sisfur. Marry me?

Tibbs faints!!

The End

Oh, the melodrama . . . Oh, the tragedy . . . Oh, the ham acting . . . I defy any of you reading this to have a dry eye. Holy Moly, what a performance! (When do the Tony nominations come out?)

*If any of my work entertains or amuses and you fancy being a patron of the arts, feel free to tip/donate. Your support is very much appreciated . . . https://thejoyofcats.wordpress.com/1896-2/