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Ooooooo . . . Have I got some exciting news for you all!!!

It’s my pleasure to announce that the cat dramatic society has decided to commence a ‘Tibbs In The Park’ festival, over the summer months!

Some of you may not be aware of the fact that my body of work is VAST . . . And it’s so popular that the masses cannot get enough of the cultural phenomenon that is me!

Because of my fame (or maybe infamy?) Catdom wants a number of plays to be shown in an open air theatre. Something that can be enjoyed by the entire family. 🙀🙀🙀

Now, this has caused me a little consternation as my ‘thongs’ are a bit risqué, to meow the least. Yet, I know what my audience wants and how to get ‘bums on seats’, as it were.

So, I have a brilliant idea . . . I shall submit my more serious pieces to be considered for the live action and treat you all with some backstage antics after each show.

For the first play I thought it appropriate to put forth my version of ‘Antony & Cleopatra’. It’s a thrilling tail about the love between these two fictional characters. (I have no influence on the casting so I may have to do a few re-writes).

Antony & Cleopatra

Act I - Scene I

Cleo: Sweet Antony, Caesar hath called thee back to Rome!

Antony: Let Rome and Caesar go to the dogs!

Cleo: (giggles) Doth thou be a fool?

Antony: Tis the Emperor who be the fool. He giveth up thou,
after all.

Cleo: He could not be but sworn my love, Sweet Anotony.

Antony: Let us elope.

(They run)

Act II - Scene I

Caesar: Prithee bring in the good Antony.

Messenger: He be not here.


Messenger: Rumours abound, Caesar. He hath ‘taken a powder’
to Gretna Green with the faire Cleopatra!

Caesar: What? The cur! The jackanape! Thy lump of feline
roguery! He hath betrayed me! Me, who hath given
him fame and glory! Find the asp and prepare the

Act III - Scene I

Messenger II: A gift for thee happy couple, my Lady.

Antony: What be this?

Cleo: You favour thou with a token of thy love. I am

Antony: Oh . . . I . . . That I did.

(Cleo opens the basket. A snake leaps out and bites her)

Cleo: I die! Antony you slay thy love.

Antony: Yea, I do be full of humour! Cleopatra? She
cease to breathe . . . Oh, woe is me . . . Methinks
I be doomed! Come sweet asp . . . Bite me!
Ahhhh . . . I shall be united with my heart!

The End

Oh, the tragedy! 🎭 Oh, the drama! 🎪 Oh, for Cat’s sake! 🎫.

I’m pretty sure this play will be a summer hit! SRO! No one will be able to resist this theatrical extravaganza. Get your tickets and enjoy the show.

NB – Make sure you watch Twitter tomorrow for the behind the scenes fun . . . I guarantee you will not be disappointed!

*If any of my work entertains or amuses and you fancy being a patron of the arts, feel free to tip/donate. Your support is very much appreciated . . . https://thejoyofcats.wordpress.com/1896-2/