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My last Match 3 game show involved my pal, Tee and as a consolation prize I, usually, send some well-deserved treats to those who participate in the fun.

Then I found out some tragic news!!! It seems Tee can not have any treats! *Swoon . . . THUD!*

Well, to meow I was (and am) devastated for my pal, just, does not describe the despair I feel. Imagine not being allowed TREATS?!! It’s a travesty.

Now, Tee has a serious condition that many cats suffer from. CKD. Chronic Kidney Disease. I know, virtually, nothing about it, other than it contributed to the demise of my best furriend on Twitter, Basil. (I miss that boy, every day).

As I got to know Tee, he told me his story . . . Three years ago, he stopped eating and started hiding! 🙀 He was rushed to the V. E. T.’s and underwent surgery for bladder stones. The operation was successful but it left his kidneys damaged. 🙀

Luckily, Tee takes no meds (as of now) and is doing well. He must watch what he eats, though. 🙀 So, in lieu of treats, he has asked that I inform every one about this disease. Hopefully, we can save (or at least, prolong . . .) some lives by doing so.

CKD can be managed, if caught early enough and this is our goal. Some of the signs to look for are weight loss (I think I’m okay there), poor coat quality (again I’ve got that covered) and peeing a lot which means us cats will drink more (I know you don’t want me to go into my litter box habits, so let’s just meow, I drink a normal amount). Any unusual behaviour should be noted.

If you Mom’s, out there, think something is amiss please have your cat checked out. Better to know, if there is a problem, sooner because later might be too late.

But don’t feel guilty if it does happen. You see, us cats, do NOT like to publicize it when we aren’t well. In fact, we go out of our way to hide the fact. It’s survival instincts, on our part. And we don’t want other felines (or humans) knowing our business! 😼 (I won’t, even, go into how we feel about the V. E. T.!!! 🙀🙀)

There are treatments for CKD and us cats can be a hardy lot. We may fight taking pills or being forced to eat dietary food 🤢🤮 (My heart goes out to you Tee) but if it’s what we have to do, so be it.

Our humans need us with them for as long as possible. We owe it to them to do whatever we can to stay around and let them love us.

*If any of my work entertains or amuses and you fancy being a patron of the arts, feel free to tip/donate. Your support of my writing is much appreciated . . . https://thejoyofcats.wordpress.com/1896-2/